Monday, January 6, 2020

Cry but do not die

When the heart is heavy and the mind is numb with pain you just want to break down and not to happiness feign Remember it is okay to sometimes break down and cry When nothing seems to go right no matter how hard you try After the crying is done pull yourself up again
For without any pain you cannot expect gain Teach yourself to fall and rise up once again Learn from the Phoenix It burns & from its ashes rises once again Like the fabled bird you too can soar And when you do so Life will no longer be a chore!


  1. Without doubt
    Nothing lasts for ever so one must muster up all the courage and resolve to get back with twice the strength.

  2. Replies
    1. So inspiring indeed. I don't know how I missed to catchup with your blogs. Like a sphinx one should rise. Failures need to be considered as stepping stines for success. I learnt it from Late Dr Abdul Kalam in whose project I was associated for over a decade; that with every fall there is a development, new learning, fresh awakening,dire determination to face challenges with renewed vigour that ultimately lands us in success. So never give up.

  3. Sometimes giving up is good to arrive at better thing to pursue... Its perpetual search for truth that is sublime and worth following... May be not... Who can be sure?
