Saturday, December 10, 2016

Play me as you want

No matter what the pain
I will accept what you ordain

I will graciously accept what you give
Its your choice whether I die or live

I am but an instrument in your hand
Your control over me I understand

I am but a lowly actor
You are the Master Director

I am just a character in Life's elaborate role play
You are the script writer,you know best my life will turn out which way

I will carry an umbrella on a bright sunny day since I have faith that it will rain
I am happy to endure every pain ,since in the end I'm sure to gain

Although Life is indeed a rocky terrain "This too shall pass " is the common refrain

May the Good Lord guide us and show us the way
Let all of us have a Wonderful Day!!

The Power of Now

I tried the Power of Now today
A piece of peace I found
In that moment my mind was calm & at rest
It gave joy to my heart profound

I realized life is but made up of moments Like pearls strung on a string
It is memories of the past and fears of the future that makes the present sting

If I could but just live out each moment and take whatever comes
I am sure I will be relaxed and happy no matter what the outcome

If I could but just focus on the now and give the best I can
I am sure life would pan out better and move as per His divine plan

It is when the mind is cluttered with thoughts unwanted and burdens of the past
That negative feelings silently creep in and seem to forever last

I have chosen to focus on just the Now & let bygones be bygones
Live out each day ,sleep well at night for tomorrow is a fresh new Dawn

Yesterday is history,tomorrow is a mystery ,Today is a present
Treat it like the gift it is meant to be and Life will surely be pleasant.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Picking up the pieces

As I pick up the pieces of my life once again
I wonder what is my loss , what is my gain?

What should I do to my peace retain? What should I do to my confidence regain?

Then I decide to follow the path shown by him
To do everything as an offering to him

When I offer to him I will give off my best Whether it be words or deeds or Life's toughest test

It's interesting how the pieces seem to fall in place
As though time did , never, them,displace

Only time will tell whether I won or lost My faith, I will not lose at any cost

No matter how long, how treacherous the ride
No matter how much the onlookers deride

I will continue to act, play out my role
Till the Director says "Pack Up" and I am no more.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

In despair He is the glimmer of hope
He teaches us how best to cope

In darkness He is the ray of light
He blesses with the gift of inner sight

In a dark cloud He is the silver lining
It is but right,for him, we must be pining In a dark long tunnel

He is the pot of gold
No matter how long your journey,at the end,you,He will hold

In agony He is the exquisite ecstasy
Seek him, Worry not if people call you crazy

I wonder

I look at the blue sky and wonder
Can I ever relax and enjoy the splendor?

Can I just walk barefoot with the wet green grass under?
Can I just enjoy a steaming cup of tea amidst the crackle of lightning and thunder?

Can I just to simple pleasures of life, myself surrender?
Can I just admire the blooming buds tender?

Can I just soothe my frayed nerves, and my normal duties render?
I look at the blue sky and wonder
I look at the blue sky and wonder

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Rock Bottom

There is a good thing about rock bottom, The only way is up
When you know you can't fall further ,
You try and clamber up

All your courage you muster ,
You find the ledge on the rocky wall Hanging on for dear life,
You try and scale the wall

When life pushes you into a deep pit
Keep your wits about you
Take a deep breath,stay calm and all will be well with you

If He has given you a challenge,he has faith that it will be solved
For only the best are put to test,the others are absolved

Failures are the pillars of success ,that is what they say
Learn from your mistakes,fix them and you will have your day

Stay focused, don't take your eyes off the ball no matter what the odds
When you put in superhuman efforts,
you will succeed to the delight of gods

Stay focused!

She laments

I feel so dirty and defiled
Overused and abused
By generations of humanity who my grandeur reduced

On pretext of cleansing their sins
Their half burnt bodies they dumped
Into me the deadly toxins went ,
from factories they pumped

Over a period of time I slowed
No more could I bear
To carry the weight of humanity's sins Their selfishness lay bare

I was born in a snow clad mountain peak
I gurgled through the rocks
I was crystal clear and shimmered white As I hurtled down mountain blocks

Then I reached the plains below
I continued to flow
In my quest to meet the beloved sea
I charged along with happiness aglow

As I reached closer to my beloved
I began to slow
That fertile union with the bay
was worthy of pomp and show

Many cities were born along my path Generations of humanity grew
The crops, they flowered with the water they drew
It was so clean, they could directly brew

Cut back to today, my sorry state
A woman defiled and abused
Who will rescue me from my sorry plight And restore my glory anew

Its a shame that I gave birth to a civilization
My children turned out uncivilized
No remorse or regret for their mother's plight
Their greed blinded their sight

This new generation of people they claim they will give me a lease of life again
I hope and wish they succeed
so that I can happily flow on again

Save the Ganga!

Ashes and Dust

Stop to smell the roses
Deal with problems life poses
Your life to God you entrust
Soon all will be ashes and dust

Take things slow
Don't hurtle along
Hum a song if you must
Soon all will be ashes and dust

Time is short
There is so much to do
In this ado don't lose your trust
Soon all will be ashes and dust

There are places to see
Things to do
No place for envy,greed or lust
Soon all will be ashes and dust

Enjoy the sunshine
The wet grass in the rain
Don't turn up your face in disgust
Soon all will be ashes and dust

Just smile along
Take each day as it comes
Savour each moment, adjust
Soon all will be ashes and dust


A miracle of the
L ord that I wake up each morning
V ery active in mind and body
E agerly awaiting the PRESENT

A nother day the
L ord grants
I should do my
V ery best with
E nthusiasm

A chance to
L ive another day
I should start with
V im and vigour and
E njoy every moment


Death is certain
Death is enigmatic
Death is a mystery
Death is mostly feared
Death is seldom welcomed
Is Death an end or a new beginning?

Death is just shedding of old clothes by the soul
Each soul travels on its path alone
No companions on that last journey
On that last leg the soul travels sole Leaving behind kith and kin to mourn
On a predetermined trip you cannot adjourn
Though the soul moves on beautiful memories remain
Cherish them ,treasure them though the emptiness will remain
Stay strong when loved ones go
Easier said than done when one faces the blow
Each incident of death reminds one of the fragility of life
Here now,gone now ,no one knows what happens in afterlife

Conquer Desire

C urbing the urge to
O wn some more, saying
N o to many a thing the mind yearns for
Q uestioning whether it is a need or want U nderstanding that money cannot buy
E verything you
R equire for happiness

D reaming big is not wrong but try and
E nrich your life by not being a
S lave to your cravings 
I nspire yourself to
R ise above materiality and
E ndeavour to put mind over body

When desires are conquered the mind is at peace
As long as there are unfulfilled wants there is bound to be unease
Everytime you take a step to say no to a certain want
You progress on the path of self development ,its a lonely haunt
The learned man has conquered desire His mind is forever in a state of bliss
He knows whatever there is ,everything is His
No place for I, Me, Myself, surrender to the Lord
He knows how much is good for us,He who made it all

Tightrope Walking

T rying to climb life's steep slope
O ften walking a tightrope

T he challenges seem out of scope
H owever there is still hope
E ver optimistic I hope

H ope against hope
I need strength to cope
L ife is playing out like a soap
T here is just no time to mope

Don't ever lose Hope!!


E ndeavour to understand another
M ake an effort to share their bother
P ity or sympathy is not liked by some
A hand to hold is always welcome
T here is so much you can do to help
H ear the other out with open mind,put
Y ourself in their place and share pain

Listen ,don't just hear
Reach out to wipe a tear
Tell another there is nothing to fear
Feels good when someone says "I'm here"
Look of pity may go unheeded
A shoulder to lean on much needed Empathize but don't sympathize
Fine line between the two,do recognize Share another's pain
Let the feeling be real,don't feign
Let your words heal
Put yourself in their place, feel
Do what you can to aid
To help another ,that's why we are made.


Words that hurt
Words that heal
Words that love
Words that hate
Words that inspire
Words that despise
Words that encourage
Words that ridicule
Words that apologize
Words that forgive
Words work like magic
Words are like arrows
Words once released cannot be retrieved Words are wisely used by the wise
Words are indiscriminately used by fools Words have power to make and unmake Words can create and destroy
Words are the most potent weapons
Word your sentences well!


A rush of blood to the head
N ot heeding the soft voice of reason
G enerally cannot be
E xpected to yield positive
R esults

Anger leaves you bitter
How can it make you better?
Anger leaves behind scars
Quite akin to those left by wars
This is a war on the inside
Anger and reason on either side
Listen to the quiet voice of reason
Each time you lose it at any age or season
You are your own worst enemy
You can be your own best friend
Set aside negative emotion
Positive energy the magic potion
Let happy waves engulf you
A very good day to all of you!!

The milk of human kindness

The milk of human kindness
Keep it flowing endless

Touch each life with tenderness
Keep striving relentless

Swerve not from the path of goodness Keep striding ahead dauntless

Build a world of happiness
Keep toiling tireless

Just keep the milk of human kindness flowing
For that is what makes life worth living

I need an answer

I seek answers to so many questions
I wish I could walk into my past to seek answers

For hidden in my deeds of the past are answers to my present
It is of no use to crib,lament or resent Donning a new body the soul moves from one life to the next
To fulfil incomplete tasks on one or other pretext
Till the accounts are fully balanced,I guess there is going to be no respite
No matter how much you cry or plead And keep doing good deeds despite

For on that day when there is no balance left you will finally be free
That sure will be liberating for your soul, I'm sure you will agree
Till then keep at it, I guess it is ,stick to the daily grind
Keep the good deeds coming to atone for past sins or He will surely remind

The cycle of life will keep moving thus Who am I to question it?
I travel alone on life's unpredictable bus He will give and take as he thinks fit

A Social for the soul

A Social for the Soul

Cleanse the mind of evil thoughts Moisturise your soul with tenderness Scrub out the negatives and the dead past Massage good feelings and positive energies

Pat on a soul pack of gratitude,kindness and mercy
Wash off the memories of yesterday and feel a rejuvenating inner glow of a well nourished soul

Beauty is skin deep ,yet
The most importance is attached to it Beauty does not last forever
Consigned to flames as the pyre is lit Beauty of the soul is eternal,yet
No time or care taken to focus on it Beauty of the soul transmigrates life
Do we bother, consumed as we are,by internal strife?

Beauty external and internal too
A heady cocktail, if only it comes true
A social for the soul,a facial for the face Both are much needed,both need a place!

Candid Thought

Make a small difference but do not create small differences
Let the mind be open to welcome the new without fear of ignoring the old

Building walls where there are none is a cause for misery untold
There are causes galore to which a helping hand may be lent

Listening to a few may well be time well spent
Let not the mind overwork to imagine problems where there are none

Let us not be so rigid and inflexible that good work comes undone
Let our acts be pretty not petty, let's not jump to put others down

Let's work to build bridges and bring walls of differences down

Poetry - an outflow

For sometime now I have been wrapped up in work
Too urgent and too important to shirk

So much so that I put my beloved words to rest
With great difficulty I did, my flow of words arrest

Words need to spring naturally like milk from a mother's breast
They dry up though in times of stress and unrest

When times get better,they flow once again
Like a young river , they gurgle and sparkle rushing to meet the ocean once again

I wait for the words to come back to me Till then its just worldly chores and the ensuing ennui

Another bud

Another bud torn asunder
How many more I just wonder
Is there no end to man's hunger?
When will he learn to control lust and anger?

What does he gain from such blunder?
No remorse or grief after innocence, plunder
Baby girls, the most vulnerable of species Who will save them from this vile, societal disease?

Alone she lay torn and bleeding
Can we not see where this is leading?
It is but obvious that Doomsday is near When man is turning into beast and attacking without fear

Till we rise in one voice and register our protest
Scores of little buds will wither while we relax at home taking much needed rest
Is this the future we seek for our kids?
Let us act today before tomorrow goes amiss.


Tears they flow in gay abandon
They get washed away in the rain

Oh how liberating to release pent up pain Without the need to happiness feign Unlike summer when the cascade of tears would be incongruent
I sob to my heart's content

Together we weep, keeping each other company
The dark gray sky and me

Pondering on a gloomy evening

The tears that flow
Aren't just for me
That's for everything wrong I see around me
The loss of innocence
The wasted youth
The lack of feelings
The apathy of politicians uncouth
The walls built on food, religion caste and state
The saviours of cows letting them die famished - is that in good taste?
Pent up emotions they well up in my eyes They keep me company, the overcast skies

Am I really Free?

Am I really Free?

Am I really Free
To pray to any God without being attacked?

Am I really Free
To eat anything I want without being persecuted?

Am I really Free
To move on the streets without being violated?

Am I really Free
To drink without me and family being jailed?

Am I really Free
To speak my mind without being trolled?

Am I really Free
To wear what I want without being judged?

Am I really Free
To love another human without being convicted?

Am I really Free
To live in society without ,on account of caste ,color or gender, being discriminated?

Am I really Free
When,after 70 years my personal freedom is still shackled?

Am I really Free?
I wonder!!

Bloodshed over Water

Fight over water
Is this what we have come to ?
Have we forgotten how to share Nature's free resources too ?

Can you really lay sole claim to a river? Madness like this makes me shiver

How petty can we get ?
Our common needs forget

Today we control the river's force Tomorrow we may try to alter the raincloud's course

Don't we have a sense of shame?
For the current situation we have ourselves to blame

Nature must be shaking her head in disgust
Wondering to which monsters did she her treasure entrust

Can't we share and give,live and let live? Can't we bury the past forget & forgive? Why point fingers and blame others?
All are brothers and sisters born of different mothers

Nature's gifts are meant to be shared and cared
Not to be fought over ,with ugly fangs bared
At this rate there will be nothing left
No rivers,no forests ,of resources bereft Let us join forces to find a solution
Live as a family and have a fair resolution

Life after Uri Attack

Though I normally do not endorse violence I am forced to pen this today

Our blood we spilt to wash our land
Will you let it flow in vain?
Restore pride to our motherland
Relieve her of her pain

Enough of needless intrusion
Its time to hit back
Peace is an indulgent delusion
Please just give it back

For once just pick up your arms
And your country defend
Don't waste precious soldier lives
Don't to be a dove pretend

Like an eagle just soar high
And in one precise fell swoop
Wipe out a few of their terror camps
Don't let army morale droop

Sick and tired of pretence
Our neighbors don't seem to learn
Seems retaliation is a given hence
Let them in their self lit fire burn

Peace should not be seen as being weak Our dignity we must protect
An eye for an eye,a tooth for tooth Inaction will not help

Just rise to the occasion this time
Give them a fitting reply
Let them squirm in hostile clime
For once let bullets fly


B orn with wings I soar in the sky R evelling in the knowledge that He D esigned me to fly B lessed am I to be free R oaming at will returning at D usk to my nest in yonder tree B rother of mine I s trapped in a cage R immed with gold it may well be D esperate to fly he flaps his wings .....he cannot escape can he? B e kind enough I beseech you R elease him back in the sky to D o what he was born to do ...O just let him fly

Monday, March 21, 2016


Poetry is a spontaneous overflow of emotions
Poetry is magical but needs no special potions
Poetry needs only a heart full of love and devotion
Poetry keeps coming in waves,it's a bit like the ocean
Poetry reveals the poet's heart ,it sets feelings in motion
Poetry is a delight , a stress buster akin to soothing lotion
Poetry helps me stay calm in the face of impending explosion
Poetry helps me pen my thoughts
when overcome by emotion

Happy International Poetry Day

Friday, March 18, 2016

No shades of gray

Black and white are the only shades I know
Not for me the shades of gray though
Not for me the pressure of pretence
Not for me hypocritical show of reverence
I wear my heart on my sleeve
Am not afraid to my own
opinions weave
A majority need not always be right
Why give up easily when for truth we can fight
By my values I will always stand
Even if it means living on a lone island
Mingling with others should promote healthy creativity
Not for me the bane of herd mentality
Even on that island I'm far from alone
For I have my best friend with me, He who I call my own

Death -as explained by a not quite 3 year old(Event Oct 2001,Poem 2010)

A simple child
That lightly draws its breath
and feels its life in every limb
What should it know of death?

Beg to differ Mr Wordsworth
There are some babes as young as three
who know the meaning of death
and know what death can be.

Mum, “ said he Why do you cry?
For your Grandpa that died, said she.
But he has gone to another world
Waste not your tears, said he.

For he who comes but has to go
Cant stay forever, said he
Such is the way of the world, you know
Space is limited you see.

Some will come and some will go
The cycle will go on you see
Wipe your tears and move on with life
Memories there still will be.

Etched in my memory is that day
When that little boy not quite three
Explained to Mum what death can be
As simply as ever could be.

Acrostic Poem on Friendship

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Apprehensions of a Babe(Event April 10 2008,Poem 2010)

He saw me weeping and asked me why,
A child of four, he had never seen me cry.

Explained to him about the phone call that day
Bearing bad news from far away,
My dearest uncle, a doctor at that,
Passed away suddenly of a heart attack.

Mourning him, my tears they fell,
I was alone, with no one to tell.
Except for my little boy who sat close by
Wondering what happens to people when they die.

Mum, he said ,Where do people go when they die?
“Heaven,my dear”, said I in reply.
“Do Indians go to Indias heaven?” he persisted
“Maybe”, said I not knowing where he led.
“If so, where would we go when we die?
Indian we are but migrated to Australia
Will God take us to Indias heaven or will it be Australias?”
Stumped by this, my tears I drained.
Sat him down and to him explained.

“God made one world, man made countries.
In life we may be separate
In Death we will unite
All of us to one heaven will go
The Indians, Australians and even the Eskimo”.

Pleased with that, he walked away
His doubts allayed , his fears at bay.
For a babe of four, that was a thought profound.
Do we need to book a space in heaven as we do on ground?

Twice Blessed( 2010)

And then I thought what joy to me
my sons had brought.

The twinkle in their eyes,
their thoughts so wise,
their words so profound.
Me they did astound.

The elder one with a flair
for the scientific,
The younger with the skill
to make the mundane sound exotic

Visual spatial the first,
Auditory sequential the second
So apart still so alike
Hard to separate the two tykes.

One sees the world in pictures
The other in words
Caught in the middle
I try to make sense of both worlds

The one role I love
An honour on me bestowed
To be twice blessed thus
No mother could ask for more

Joy to my heart they bring
their words like sweet music ring

A diamond and sapphire ring he bought
for Mummy dear this year
With tears of joy my eyes filled
No gift do I hold more dear.

The greatest joy however will be
when I behold
my little boys turn into young men
good and bold

Worthy citizens, the planet their stage
Ah that would be bliss in old age.

But for now let me enjoy
the beauty of childhood
the precious moments of today
Boys will become men
But memories will stay

Pangs of separation

With each passing day I am falling hopelessly in love with you
Now I understand what Radha and Meera went through
No longer do I care about wealth and riches
I only want your company, something my soul cherishes
Each time I sing your praise my eyes,they brim with tears
It is , as though, they wash away all my fears
When I'm alone with you, there is nothing more I crave
I wouldn't regret it one bit if that spot became my grave
All I know is one thing, I can't bear separation from you
I know, I need to complete my duties but I yearn to return back to you
This time when I return there will be no coming back
That is the only goal for me while I put my life back on track

Old Age.......

Are mums and dads baggage meant to be put away?
How would you have grown if they had thought the same way?

Old age is but second childhood
Is it fair to banish them into an unknown neighbourhood?

Are they at an age where they can make new friends?
Take care of themselves and adapt to new trends

Why deny your children the warmth of grandparents?
Feel blessed if you have the chance to live with aged parents

We won't realise their worth until they are gone
Then it will be too late for our mistakes to atone

An old age home can never replace their son
Never commit the sin of separating parents and son

For one day it will be our turn too
God forbid the tables could well turn on you

Let us learn our lesson while we still have time
And ensure parents are looked after when well past their prime.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


A friend will never beat around the bush
A friend will give you a much needed push
A friend will always do a good turn
A friend will not expect anything in return
A friend will be honest in his feedback
A friend will never stab you in the back
A friend may not say what you want to hear
A friend's good intentions, however,  you need never fear
A friend has your best interest in mind
A friend ,true and fair, is God's gift to mankind