Sunday, November 13, 2016

I need an answer

I seek answers to so many questions
I wish I could walk into my past to seek answers

For hidden in my deeds of the past are answers to my present
It is of no use to crib,lament or resent Donning a new body the soul moves from one life to the next
To fulfil incomplete tasks on one or other pretext
Till the accounts are fully balanced,I guess there is going to be no respite
No matter how much you cry or plead And keep doing good deeds despite

For on that day when there is no balance left you will finally be free
That sure will be liberating for your soul, I'm sure you will agree
Till then keep at it, I guess it is ,stick to the daily grind
Keep the good deeds coming to atone for past sins or He will surely remind

The cycle of life will keep moving thus Who am I to question it?
I travel alone on life's unpredictable bus He will give and take as he thinks fit

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