Saturday, December 10, 2016

Play me as you want

No matter what the pain
I will accept what you ordain

I will graciously accept what you give
Its your choice whether I die or live

I am but an instrument in your hand
Your control over me I understand

I am but a lowly actor
You are the Master Director

I am just a character in Life's elaborate role play
You are the script writer,you know best my life will turn out which way

I will carry an umbrella on a bright sunny day since I have faith that it will rain
I am happy to endure every pain ,since in the end I'm sure to gain

Although Life is indeed a rocky terrain "This too shall pass " is the common refrain

May the Good Lord guide us and show us the way
Let all of us have a Wonderful Day!!


  1. Very true. We are all puppets in the stage called universe handled by the almighty (The DIRECTOR )

    Very nicely

  2. exceedingly well....we are puppets on a chain or a stringšŸ¤”
