Sunday, November 13, 2016

Bloodshed over Water

Fight over water
Is this what we have come to ?
Have we forgotten how to share Nature's free resources too ?

Can you really lay sole claim to a river? Madness like this makes me shiver

How petty can we get ?
Our common needs forget

Today we control the river's force Tomorrow we may try to alter the raincloud's course

Don't we have a sense of shame?
For the current situation we have ourselves to blame

Nature must be shaking her head in disgust
Wondering to which monsters did she her treasure entrust

Can't we share and give,live and let live? Can't we bury the past forget & forgive? Why point fingers and blame others?
All are brothers and sisters born of different mothers

Nature's gifts are meant to be shared and cared
Not to be fought over ,with ugly fangs bared
At this rate there will be nothing left
No rivers,no forests ,of resources bereft Let us join forces to find a solution
Live as a family and have a fair resolution

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